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Support Annual Funds

Give to the best of your ability every year. Designate your donation to the following funds:

Endowment Fund

The fund supports operations including technology, academics, athletics, facilities and professional development.

Operational Fund

 Donations help meet the needs in the yearly operating budget, helping to sustain and improve the school in all areas.  This helps us to “bridge the gap” between what it costs to educate a child at SFXCS and our tuition.  

Technology Fund

Funds are applied directly to the technology fund of the school and are used for various equipment such as computers and white boards for classrooms, program upgrades and maintenance, technical support, and the continuation of our technology plan.  Our students’ exposure to new technology has improved dramatically since the inception of this fund. 

Tuition Assistance Fund

The Tuition Assistance fund was created to ensure the future availability of faith based education to our community’s young people by assisting families with the cost of our tuition.

Capital and Endowment gifts help SFX achieve its strategic objectives. Typically, capital gifts fund the school’s major renovations to existing structures and build the new facilities needed to remain competitive. Capital pledges are typically paid over a three to five year time frame. This allows donors to consider larger pledges than they could otherwise make. Gifts of property can also be used to make a capital gift. There are tax advantages to doing so in some cases.

Consider making a bequest or other planned gift to SFX

Planned gifts are the best single means of helping the school's endowment to grow. A bequest is the most common planned gift. It is usually simple and inexpensive to arrange.  Some planned gifts provide income for the donor (and/or a loved one) during his/her life and, later, a gift that will help the school.  Certain planned gifts provide significant tax advantages to the donor.  The school has a fundraising professional who works with prospective donors confidentially and will answer questions prospective donors have and prepare illustrations showing how various planned gifts might affect a donor's particular situation. 

Support SFX each time you make a purchase for your family.


Each time you buy groceries at Harris Teeter or Publix a portion of what you spend will be donated to our school. Please link your grocery card account to our school using the links below to support SFX!

Harris Teeter


Coca-Cola Give Program

When you make Coca-Cola purchases, please enter the product codes at Coca-Cola Give under ST. FRANCIS XAVIER SCHOOL BRUNSWICK for an easy way to support our school. >

Give Online- Donate Now!

Open to all SFX