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Religion is the heartbeat of St. Francis Xavier Catholic School. The goal of the religion curriculum is to instill in students an enthusiasm for living the Catholic faith and to provide an in-depth religious education that includes experiences in prayer, the sacraments, and service while stressing the integration of Christian principles into the total curriculum. All classes participate in weekly liturgies, celebrating a variety of themes that directly relate to everyday living. Students in grades 3 – 8 are offered the opportunity to participate in the Sacrament of Reconciliation during Advent and Lent, and Catholic students in 2nd grade are prepared for the Sacraments of Reconciliation and First Holy Communion. Catholic students in 8th grade are prepared for the sacrament of Confirmation. In addition, students celebrate special occasions such as feast days of patron saints, Thanksgiving, and Christmas with special programs and activities. As part of our Diocesan-approved religious instruction program, the principles of Christian family life are integrated into the curriculum across all grade levels and include a focus on the sanctity of human life from conception to death. Students in 5th and 6th grade also receive instruction on human reproduction as part of this program.

The school uses the Assessment of Religious Knowledge (ARK)  twice a year.

Students put their faith into action through participation in various service projects. During the school year, SFX sponsors several drives for local organizations. At Thanksgiving, students donate canned goods to the St. Vincent de Paul food pantry, and at Christmas, we conduct collections for the needy in our local community. Religion is the thread that weaves faculty, staff, students, and parents together.  

Catholic families are expected to participate in weekly Sunday Mass. Students of other faiths are encouraged to attend the religious service of their choice each weekend.

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St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church

St. William Catholic Church

Daily Scripture Readings - USCCB