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Admissions Policy

Schools in the Diocese of Savannah admit students regardless of sex (unless traditionally a single-sex school), national origin, or disability, if with reasonable accommodation on the part of the school, the disabled person could be accommodated. In admitting students, Catholic schools give preference to Catholic students whose family is registered at the sponsoring parish; secondly, to Catholic students whose family is registered in a parish other than the sponsoring parish; and finally, to non-Catholic students.

New Student Application Process
Applications for new students for the upcoming school year are accepted starting in January. All applications are completed online and require payment of a $25.00 non-refundable application fee. Once an application has been submitted, the school’s enrollment coordinator will contact the applicant to answer any questions and set up a tour. All required documentation (birth certificate, social security card, immunization records, report cards, standardized testing, teacher recommendations, etc.) must be submitted before a student can complete enrollment.

The principal reviews all applications. Acceptance decisions are based on the school’s ability to meet the applicant’s needs. Acceptance is generally based on a review of the following: age, report cards, standardized testing results, student evaluations, teacher observation, and space availability. Falsification of records (birth certificate, report card, etc.) or the withholding of pertinent information regarding the student may result in denial or revocation of admission to St. Francis Xavier Catholic School. Additionally, families who are not in good standing with their current school (i.e., past due tuition) will not be considered for admissions until such time as all past due accounts are brought current. St. Francis Xavier is unable to accept international students.

Admissions Guidelines

PS3 applicants must be 3 years old, Pre-K applicants must be 4 years old, kindergarten applicants must be 5 years old, and all first-grade applicants must be 6 years old on or before September 1. It is also standard practice to expect incoming second, third, and fourth-grade students to be 7, 8, and 9 years of age, respectively. All applicants, regardless of grade level, must be fully potty trained. In general, only students who are currently enrolled in a Catholic school and relocating to the Golden Isles area will be considered for eighth grade.

Placement Exams
All applicants are required to complete a placement exam. While screening is required for all applicants, it does not guarantee acceptance. Factors to be considered in the decision to accept any student are academic performance, effort, behavior, work-study habits, and the school’s ability to meet the student’s needs.

Placement tests are only one means of determining placement and whether SFX can meet the applicant’s needs. All students are accepted on a probationary basis for the first year. In some circumstances, additional probationary terms may be implemented.

Admissions Priority
After meeting the admissions qualifications, priority consideration will be given respectively to siblings of current students, students who are children of school employees, Catholic parishioners from St. Francis Xavier Parish, Catholic parishioners from any of the local parishes, students transferring from another Catholic school, and students of other religious affiliations.

Student Parent Handbook